Tuesday, October 7, 2008

The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly

The Good: I depart from Vegas in less than 48 hours! I'm way excited, and super happy that I'm starting to feel much better. No fever anymore, still some coughing and hacking (enough to disturb my coworkers; thank goodness for Purell!) and a little fatigue, but I'm generally lazy anyway. I can't wait! I want to go to the M&M store, the Coke store, the Vegas temple... the works!

The Bad: My trip to Bakersfield was cancelled. I keep telling everyone I was "about halfway down". The truth of the matter was that I had overslept and instead of leaving at 8 like we intended, I WOKE UP at 8! We didn't end up leaving until after 9, and by 9:15 I got the call saying it was cancelled because the worker whom I was meeting down there forgot the consent forms (can't draw blood without permission, huh?). So I basically got to rent an '08 Jetta on Saturday for free. It worked out because I got to "watch" conference, go to the church bookstore, and drive the car around on The University's dime. It worked out, too, because I was still pretty hacky and cough-y (Are those even words?)

The Ugly: I didn't really get to watch Conference too much. Unfortunately, we slept through most of it, although we did catch the majority of the first session. Thank goodness for DVRs! Now we'll just have to set aside some time to WATCH them!

Well back to work...