Wednesday, January 5, 2011

The Writing's on the... Well, the Hershey Widget

Hi to everyone out there in Blogger World!

It's been a while since I've had the chance to update this. Needless to say, it's been crazy on my end. I want to try to be better at writing, if nothing else, so that I can say I have a "journal" of sorts.

As I am transitioning into post New Year mode, I am finding that I am wanting to make some resolutions and goals. Yes, there's the losing weight goal, the working out goal, the making more money goal... all of the normal things. But I want to go back to something I actually enjoy (Because, seriously, who enjoys sweating and self-deprivation of tasty snacks?)

The first goal I have to to finally finish my book. I took on the NaNoWriMo challenge and succeeded in starting a novel. However, towards the end, I began to not write chronologically. So I have a good 90-something pages written out (at least; I've forgotten really) and then about another 20 pages of different parts of the book. I would love the chance to finish it off, but don't know how likely it'll be. My first goal is by the end of the month to try and complete it. I realize it's a pipe dream, but I want to TRY to see if I can submit it to for a contest. If not, I would like to ultimately finish it off by the time NaNoWriMo 2011 starts!!

The small driver that's currently holding my Great Contribution to Literature.

My other goal is one I have attempted before, but never QUITE completed. The two years prior to my attempts at getting a second Bachelor's degree, I set the goal of reading a book a week on average, or 52 books in the year. I think I managed to come very close each year; I think it was 49 the first year, and 51 the second. This year, even though I will be in grad school (hopefully), I would like to try this out again. On the plus side, I have at least 5-6 books around the house that I started reading, and I would count this towards my overall goal. Also, I have the benefit of having books for each situation. I have a book I am reading at home (Ally Condie's Matched), a book to read at work (Four to Score by Janet Evanovich - and I want to finish the entire series this year as well!), and a book to read on the bus (The Death and Life of Charlie St. Cloud, which is actually on my handy dandy Nook).

As I finish reading each book, I hope to add it on here, with my review. I usually post what I have and have not read on, but I think it is easy enough to post on here as well, both the writing progress and the books I've conquered.

Until next time (hopefully I can keep up with this blog as well!)